According to the Journal, the next iPhone will be similar to the iPhone 4, but will be thinner and lighter. It will also sport an 8 megapixel camera. Apple will also supposedly shift from its Infineon wireless chip to one made by Qualcomm, the latter company being the current supplier for the current Verizon-specific Apple products.
The Qualcomm chip used by Apple right now has the capability to handle both CDMA and GSM frequencies, leading to some speculation that the next iPhone will come in one hardware configuration for all networks.
There are also concerns that the next iPhone could be further pushed back from launch if Hon Hai Precision, also known as Foxconn, isn't able to improve its yields.
Foxconn chairman Terry Guo told the Journal that his company is facing challenges with Apple's touch-screen devices.
“The touch-screen devices are so thin. It's really difficult to install so many components into the iPhones and iPads,” Gou said. “We hope to raise the yield rate and volume in the second half, which will help improve our gross margin.”
Even further out is talk of the iPhone 6, which the Journal has heard from a source that it will be a major revamp of the design and that Apple is experimenting with new ways of charging the phone. Perhaps it will be a wireless charging method similar to the HP Palm Pre's Touchstone charger.
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