Made by BI2 Technologies, the device is known as the MORIS case and it has been used before in the military. The MORIS case is said to be able to take photos of a person's face from up to five feet away, or even scan their iris from up to six inches away. It will then be automatically cross-checked against a police database for criminal history.
The constant monitoring by "big brother", which can now technically be done without even interacting with the "suspect", raises the issue about privacy and the violation of constitutional rights over reasonable search. On the other hand it looks like it will give police the upper hand when it comes to identifying suspects, allowing them to take the necessary steps to prevent a crime from happening and could potentially assist in the capture of escaped convicts.
Love it or hate it, it appears that about 1,000 of the devices are due to reach 40 police organizations as early as September, with each device apparently costing $3,000. It also appears that the guys at BI2 Technologies have not forgotten about Android as the device is said to be available for the Android platform eventually.
source: Ubergizmo
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